The project
I was brought in as a usability consultant to help improve a new app that had been built which was confusing for its users. This was to be done for iOS and Android.
The previous app design was confusing for users. However, as it was considered useful once people understood what it did, my main aim was to make its functions clearer from the outset.
The process
As the UX lead, I delivered:
Expert analysis of the existing app, including feedback about why it was confusing for beta users.
Analysis of the full functionality to be included
Full sitemap of screens for both, and a new navigation menu
Planning the full set of user journeys, and their corresponding workflows.
A full set of wireframes to be used for visual design
Review and updates of wireframes based on feedback from stakeholders across the wider company
Interaction feedback and guidance for developers
Error management recommendations
Agile design iterations as required based on feedback from Apple
The apps were updated in line with my recommendations and user reviews instantly changed from saying it was confusing but useful to “very user-friendly”. We launched iOS, and Android apps, and even included a guest mode so that users could try it without setting up an account.